Unit 17, Penley Industrial Estate
Penley, Wrexham, LL13 0LQ
Tel : 01948 830003
Mother Goose Nursery

Mother Goose Nursery Policies & Procedures


The children in our nursery have the right to an environment, which facilitates their development and their learning skills. The children have the right to be cared for as part of a community, which values the religious, racial, cultural and identity of the child. We seek to encourage the child's rights to the full in our nursery.


Parent's rights should be considered in the nursery. Parents have the right to see all files and paperwork held about their child. It influences the nature of their child's care environment. The opportunities for the parents should be considered by:

  • Asking for information about the care environment.
  • Voicing their opinion on the care environment.
  • Contributing to their child's care.
  • Being aware of the choices in childcare.


Preserve the respect for our nursery children by:

  • Treating each child as a special and valued individual.
  • Offering a range of activities and tasks which enables each child to express themselves.
  • Confidentiality of information guaranteed.
  • Making sure each child is treated with dignity during nappy changing and toileting.


We aim to help the children exercise the opportunity to select from a range of options in all aspects of the nursery by: -

  • Letting the children decide what they would like to take part in.
  • Choosing what they would like to eat or drink.
  • Designing and participating in their own pictures and craftwork.
  • Enabling the children to manage their own time and by not rushing them to finish.


The children will be encouraged to use their own independence in their day-to-day activities; this will help them with their learning skills and abilities. Staff will:

  • Provide tactful assistance when needed for the children.
  • Encourage the children to choose what activities they would like to participate in.
  • Encourage contribution in group discussions with staff, children and parents.


Parents expect security within the nursery setting. We therefore aim to provide an environment and structure of support by: -

  • Training staff in aspects of child protection.
  • Protecting the children's safely within the nursery setting.
  • Creating an environment in the nursery which the children experience positive and inclusive care and education.
  • Making the building and outdoor play area safe and secure.


We want to make sure each child enjoys attending our nursery setting. We want to help them realise their personal aspirations and abilities in all respects of their lives by:

  • Always listening to the children and communicating at each and every stage.
  • Making their day as happy as possible.
  • Letting the children use their imaginations this helps them with their confidence.


All clothing and personal property brought to the nursery should be marked clearly with the child's name. We cannot take responsibility for items that are not labelled. All children should provide the following where appropriate:

  • Nappies.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Extra set of clothing.
  • Wellington boots.
  • Sun block and sun hat.
  • Coat.

All the appropriate items should be kept in a personal/named bag and kept on a peg in reception. Please don't bring jewellery, money, sweets, chewing gum or valuables to the nursery slides that are not suitable for children under 3 years. e.g. Tiny hair slides. Limited parking is available at the nursery car park. Please exercise great care when using it. People using the car park do so at their own risk. The nursery cannot be responsible for damage to vehicles, property, valuables or for injury to people when using the car park.


Children cannot be accepted before 7.30am unless through prior arrangement. The latest they may be picked up is 6.00pm unless through prior arrangement. If anyone other than you the parent is collecting your child, nursery staff must be informed who the person is. We require the agreed password, their name, car description, and a recent photo if we have not seen them before. As you can appreciate your child's safety is of paramount importance.


  • Staff will inform the officer in charge if a child has not been collected.
  • The officer in charge and one other member of staff must stay behind with the child.
  • If at a designated time the parents still have not collected the child, the officer in charge will telephone the contact numbers available.
  • If no contact can be made the officer in charge and the extra member of staff will stay on the premises until a designated time.
  • In the event of no contact being made by the designated time the person in charge will ring Social Services Emergency Duty Team on 01978 292035 and advise them of the situation.
  • The two members of staff will remain in the building until suitable arrangements have been made for the collection of the child.

Lost child procedure

In the unlikely event of a child going missing from within the nursery the following procedures will be implemented immediately.

  • All staff present will be informed and an immediate thorough search of the premises will be made followed by a search of the surrounding areas, ensuring that all other children remain supervised throughout.
  • A staff member will notify the officer in charge, whilst the other staff continue to search.
  • The officer in charge will carry out a second search of the area.
  • If the child has still not been accounted for the officer in charge will contact the police.
  • The officer in charge will also contact the parents of the missing child.
  • During this period, staff will be continually searching for the missing child, whilst other staff maintain as near to normal a routine as possible for the rest of the children in the nursery.
  • The officer in charge will meet the police and parents.
  • The officer in charge will then await instructions from the police.
  • Any incidents will be recorded in writing.
  • CSSIW will be contacted and informed of any incidents.

Arrivals and Departures of children policy.

It is the policy of the nursery to give a warm welcome to each child and parent on his or her arrival.
Parents are requested to pass care of their child on to a member of staff only, who will ensure his/her safety. Parents/Staff must sign their child in the signing in book on arrival using the child's full name. A member of management staff will check that all children have been signed in by 10 a.m.
The staff member receiving the child immediately records his/her arrival in their group signing in book as well as checking the parents have signed the child in the main signing in book.
If the parent requests the child to be given medicine during the day the staff member must ensure that the medicine consent procedure is adhered to. Medication given will be discussed and parents sign again to acknowledge this. All medicines are stored in the secure fridge throughout the day and are recovered from the fridge only when the parents have arrived and handed to them personally.
The key worker in the group should anticipate the planned departure of the child.
On departure the child must be signed out of the group signing in/out book and the main signing in/out book and show the times of departure.

Child Protection Statement and Policy

This policy and accompanying statements are in conjunction with the All Wales Child Protection Procedures and are based on Work and the Key Principles with Children and Families which is found in the Children's Act 1989 UN Convention on the Right of the Children and Working Together to safeguard children. All agencies, and this includes Registered Day Nurseries have professional obligations towards contributing to whatever actions are needed to safeguard children in their care. An exchange of relevant information between professionals is essential in order to safeguard children. In order to comply with the requirement to work in partnership with other professionals to safeguard children, we are obliged to discuss any concerns we may have, regarding child protection issues or neglect with Wrexham Safeguarding Children Board or the NSPCC. The Reasonable Individual (Sarah Love) will usually discuss any concerns with regard to neglect, physical, social and emotional concerns with the parent first in a professional confidential manner. Any concerns will be accurately recorded on an incident form, which the parents are free to see at any time. In certain circumstances it may be appropriate to make the referral immediately to the Area Child Protection Team in Wrexham.


It is important that a child is not brought in to nursery if they are suffering from or showing symptoms of diarrhoea, vomiting, fever over 38'c, any doubtful rash, discharge from the eyes, ear and nose, head lice or if the child is feeling unwell. A child should not return until their G.P has certified them. All parents will be notified if a child has been present who has an infectious disease. If a child becomes ill whilst at nursery the parents will be notified immediately and the child should be collected as soon as possible to avoid distress and to prevent any infection spreading. Medication can be administered in the nursery only with a written consent from the parents (see medication form). Only the key worker or the person in charge will administer this. Medication will only be accepted if it is in the original container and not out of date. If your child needs medication that requires technical/medical knowledge, this will be discussed and any appropriate training will be provided to staff.


At Mother Goose Nursery we strive to create an environment which encourages acceptable standards of children's behaviour. All children will at some time display behaviour which may not be appropriate or desirable. However this is all part of how children develop and how they learn to express themselves and take their place in society.
The childrens days are planned and they are kept busy with appropriate play and learning tasks according to their ages and abilities. Children can always rest/sleep at any time during the day, as their day is flexible. All children are carefully supervised, with the correct adult to child ratios being maintained. We will make every effort to get to know him/her developing a professional/carers relationship. With this in mind your child will very quickly realise that he/she does have a familiar adult whom they can rely on and relate to.

With close supervision, we are able to distract any child who appears to be demonstrating undesirable or challenging behaviour. If distraction and discussion does not work, then the child will be removed from the group for a short period of time, but kept close by until they have calmed down. At all times the child will be in the same room as his/her peers and be able to see them a short distance away. (This only occurs when discussion and distraction fails and children are going to be hurt). At no time will a child be shouted at, humiliated, embarrassed, physically or emotionally mishandled. We prefer to keep the children busy. Plenty of smiles and verbal rewards in an environment where they feel physically and emotionally secure. The child's parents will always be informed if their child is persistently misbehaving. By talking to the parents we hope to work in partnership for the welfare of the child providing consistency in care. Very occasionally a child can be excluded from sessions if all attempts at working together have not resulted in an improved behavioural change.


Parents will be telephoned if their child/children become unwell during any of the sessions. It is important that when initially registering you leave us with alternative contact telephone numbers that we can call should you be unavailable to collect your child. Any child who becomes unwell will be made comfortable and encouraged to rest. If the child appears to have a raised temperature, the staff will reassure the child and offer plenty of water to drink. The staff are not allowed to take all clothing off children, but layers of clothing can be removed if the child appears to be hot e.g. jumpers and cardigans. If a child is giving us considerable concern and their parents cannot be contacted, they will be taken to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department by ambulance with a member of the nursery staff. Parents are requested not to bring their child/children to nursery if the child appears to be unwell or is showing signs of an infectious disorder. The child must be clear of symptoms for 48 hours before he/she returns.

Examples of Infectious Disorders.

  • Cold sores Impetigo
  • Conjunctivitis (sticky eyes)
  • Head lice
  • Chickenpox
  • Measles
  • Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  • Infected cuts
  • Vomiting Diarrhoea

Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. This prevents the spread of infections from one child to another. Children who are unwell do require individual attention and the staff are not able to give this for a prolonged period of time.


Statement of intent. The Nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any individual, whether they are an adult or child. Discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, colour, creed, disabilities, marital status, ethnic or national origin or political belief has no place within this nursery. Should any person believe that this policy is not being totally complied with, it is their duty to bring the matter to the attention of the manager at the earliest opportunity. The nursery staff are committed to:

  • Encouraging positive role models, displayed through toys, imaginary play and activities that promote non-stereotypical images. Books will be selected to promote such images of men and women, boys and girls.
  • Encouraging children to join in activities such as dressing up, shop, home corner, dolls, climbing on large apparatus, bikes, etc.
  • Regularly reviewing childcare practice to ensure the policy is effective.

Service provision.
No child will be discriminated against on the ground of sex, race, religion, creed or colour wherever possible those designated disabled or disadvantaged will be considered a place, taking into account their individual circumstances and the ability of the nursery to provide the necessary standard of care. The nursery will strive to ensure that all services and projects are accessible and relevant to all groups and individuals in the nursery within targeted age groups. We will strive to promote equal access to services and projects by taking practical steps such as ensuring access to images of disabled people and procuring material in relevant languages and media.


The nursery aims to ensure that individuals are recruited, selected, trained and promoted on the basis of occupational skill requirements. In this respect, the nursery will ensure that no job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, marital status, race, religion, colour, cultural or national origin or sexuality, which cannot be justified as being necessary for the safe and effective performance of their work or training.


Any concern or complaint will be given attention by the Registered Person and will meet with the requirements of the National Minimum Standards and the revised regulations-Regulation 14 – "The Care Standards Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989 (Regulatory Reform and Complaints) (Wales) Regulations 2006.
All concerns and complaints will be investigated in accordance with the principle that the welfare of the child is safeguarded and promoted, and account will be taken of the ascertainable wishes and feelings of the child.
Parents/guardians are invited to discuss concerns or complaints with the Registered Person as the first step in local resolution, and these will be investigated and resolved as soon as reasonably practical and within 14 days. (This time limit may be extended for up to a further 14 days with the agreement of the complainant.)
The Responsible Individual will confirm in writing to the complainant the agreed resolution.
As the Responsible Individual, the complainant is advised of their right to, at any time, to complain to the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales CSSIW (Tel 0300 062 5609 – Government Buildings, Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction, Ll13 9RZ. It is also the complainant's right to be informed of any advocacy services, which the Responsible Individual feels may be of assistance.
As the Responsible Individual it may be appropriate to do so, and with the agreement of the complainant, to make arrangements for conciliation, mediation or other assistance for the purpose of resolving a complaint. A written record must be kept of any complaint, the outcome of the investigation and any action taken in response. Confirmation in writing of this will be given to the complainant.